Selnova LLC, Logo
(240) 670-0761

Transform Your Business Ideas

By applying extensive knowledge of capital markets, strategy development, operating processes, and backed by access to a national network of experienced operating executives, Selnova LLC helps accelerate the success of business ideas and operations. Our unique framework supports CEOs through the challenges of execution in rapidly changing environments. Our business consulting firm helps accelerate developmental ideas to become a success. Count on us for critical transition management, including:

• Strategy review • Development and regulatory plans • Life Sciences
• Tactics development and implementation • Commercialization and market access • Biologic Therapies
• Process analysis and implementation • Executive and board development • Medical Devices
• Operations and manufacturing • Biotechnology • Diagnostics

The Elements of Success

The Elements of Success, also known as The Six Ps, is a collection of the critical elements of becoming a successful business. Selnova LLC use these to diagram a business opportunity, organize a business plan, assess a business organization, and address business challenges or transitions.


Vision, leadership, innovation, and passion drive purpose for a business, and purpose drives focus. We start by asking:

• What do you do? • Why do you do it? • Is it well known? • How has it changed?  Will it change?

Proof & Position


The evidence or argument establishing that you have identified a critical market need and provide a new or better solution. The audiences include:

• Investors: Significant driver of valuation
• Regulators: Supports safety, security, and necessity
• Customers: Supports claims and counters competitors


Defines your goal and the distance to reach it. Components of position include:

• Unmet Needs • Market Access
• Unique Solutions • Competitive Threats
• Customer Segments • Alignment of Products or Services to the Market

Path Forward

Provides a road map for your business ventures:

• Assess & Implement Strategic Decisions
• Regulatory Requirements
• Manufacturing
• Product Development
• Commercial Infrastructure, Marketing, Sales, Service & Promotion
• Logistics


Enables execution & enforces focus:

• How it Gets Done • Supporting Execution
• Safeguarding Focus • Competitive Threats
• Driving Efficiency • Monitoring, Measuring, & Adapting


People Make It Happen

• Ensuring the right people are in the right places (Fit, Talent, Knowledge, Experience, Ability, and EQ)

• Mitigating Necessary Changes • Building & Maintaining Excitement, Enthusiasm & Motivation

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